Sunday, May 28, 2006


Disappointed. Unsatisfied. Probed. Revealed. Untrusting. Saddened. Lost. Frustrated.
my feelings at this moment.
If u write in a diary, you would know how bad it would feel for someone to read it.
for me, my diary was my life. It still is. It is my ultimate refuge. A treasure chest of every feeling I've felt. It is me.
one of my very good friends one day, happened to stumble Upon it. And understandably enough, she had to open it. She had to read its hidden contents. She had to know my mind. My mind, which only I was entitled to know. To make it worse, she read it with one of her friends, who thoroughly hates me. To know that someone who I hardly know, who I don't like, read me is heartbreaking. The day I found out, I went into my room. Looked at my diary..And felt stripped of my innermost feelings.
it hurt me so much, that I just lay on my bed and cried for a whole hour. I was so depressed.
but Shalini said sorry. And I didn't show to her how horrid I felt inside. I just smiled and told her it was ok. I genuinely liked her, and I dint want to fight with her. So it passed.
until the other day, she makes yet another confession. She has read this Blog. And well, this was my private Blog. One that is public only to people who don't know me. People who wouldn't use this information against me. But she did. Without asking me.
and that is why I feel disappointed. Unsatisfied. Probed. Revealed. Untrusting. Saddened. Lost. Frustrated.

maybe, someday I will forgive. Maybe even forget. But my feelings at this moment are true.
I will not make this mistake again.


Leah said...

I just randomly found your blog. I'm sorry your friend betrayed you, don't let it keep you from expressing yourself in whatever ways you choose. Keep blogging!

Anonymous said...

do u want me to help u kill her ?
ps: how cum ivenot read it !!

Imperfect said...

@leah trying not to let it get too much to me...blogging helps..

yea....tht dusnt help dude..once a betrayer, always one

i tried, didnt work...but maybe if we join forces we can knock her off

Anonymous said...

wht cn she use agnst u? theres nuthin in this blog that normal ppl dont go thru.....
