Friday, October 09, 2009

Home. It fixes everything.

If there's one place I know coming back to would make things alright, it's home.
Delhi was so muddled for me. I was lost, for a bit. Confused. Irritated with change. Somebody really moved my cheese. I come home and it's warm. Familiar. It's mine. I am not anyone here. I have an identity, a place. I have a family that engulfs me with love. I have a couch that smells just the way it used to. Home makes everything alright. Even when nothing is alright, home brings comfort. And at the end of the day, if I'm about to cry, I sit in my rocking chair, I cry and the peace of home calms me.

I'm free today. Free, in every sense of the word.

"Singing hallelujiah... let's make this last forever"

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